Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Green Anaconda essays

Green Anaconda essays The Green Anaconda is considered to be the biggest snake in the world but this is not the longest. Physically, it is dark green with black elliptical patches and the length is 9 meters. It can weigh a hefty 250 kg and have a girth of more than 12 inches in diameter (Szdocent, 2006). Anaconda can eat an elephant because their jaw can expand. Scientific Classification taken from Busch Entertainment Corporation (2006): Common Name: green anaconda, common anaconda, water boa Genus Species: Eunectes (good swimmer) murinus (mouse colored) Green Anacondas live in water most of the time; they are good swimmers and can travel in fast motion. But they cannot move fast in the land since they are big enough to carry themselves. The head of the anaconda usually lies on the surface of the water while the body is underwater but they can submerge the whole body for a maximum of 10 minutes to catch big fish to nourish themselves and in the surface they catch birds that at the same time try to capture a fish. Anaconda eats anything as long as it is edible for them; they are also believed to be cannibalistic since they eat their own species. People are not on the menu, but caimans (similar to alligators), capybaras (100-pound South American rodents) and deer are (Shedd, 2006). They have very sharp teeth and always lying without moving until they see a victim that they move quickly, grab them and bring them under water to eat. According to Szdocent (2006): Anacondas are constrictors. The snake squeezes tighter each time its prey breathes out, so the prey cannot breathe in again. This goes on until the prey dies of suffocation. Anacondas swallow their prey whole, starting with the head. This is so the legs fold up and the prey goes down smoothly. Anacondas can swallow prey much bigger than the size of its mouth since its jaw can unhinge and the ...

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